
Lisbon airport metro map

Lisbon airport to city metro map. Lisbon airport metro map (Portugal) to print. Lisbon airport metro map (Portugal) to download. The most economical way to get to lisbon centre is to buy the 7 Colinas card when you arrive at the airport it allow you to use metro. You can buy it in the newspaper shop on the second floor of the airport. The lisbon metro is fast and economical. The recent extension of the lisbon metro lines makes it possible to get to the city centre from the airport for only €1.25 (US$1.50). There is a metro station at Lisbon Airport linking to the city centre as its shown in the map.

Lisbon airport to city metro map

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The Lisbon metro is modern, safe and very cheap. For the majority of tourists the metro is the best way to get from the airport to lisbon centre (see the map). The lisbon metro is the cheapest, but will involve a connection and the Aerobus is direct, but costs twice the price of a metro ticket. The metro service runs between 6.30am and 1am. The price of the ticket from airport to lisbon centre is charged on the Viva Viagem reloadable card, which costs €0.50 when purchased.