
Rossio lisbon map

Map of rossio lisbon. Rossio lisbon map (Portugal) to print. Rossio lisbon map (Portugal) to download. Rossio in lisbon map, officially called Praça Dom Pedro IV, is the nerve centre of Lisbon. Rossio is located in the district of La Baixa, at the northern end of Rua Augusta and not far from the Plaza de los Restaurateurs. The Plaza del Rossio is the most lively area of the city and the meeting place for Lisboners and visitors alike. On the sides of the square and in the surrounding streets you will find the most famous shops, bars and restaurants in Lisbon.
Located in the Baixa neighborhood (as its mentioned in the lisbon map), Rossio is the center of Lisbon for both Lisbonites and tourists, very lively, shops, bars, restaurants all around, right in the center the statue of D Pedro VI, the soldier, the fountain, the national theater, the Rossio train station, this is where you take the train to Sintra, the art deco café Nicola and of course look at the ground, these beautiful black and gray paving stones representing the waves, take the time to focus on these shapes, you will feel like you are on waves.