
Baixa lisbon map

Map of baixa lisbon. Baixa lisbon map (Portugal) to print. Baixa lisbon map (Portugal) to download. Baixa district is considered to be the downtown of Lisbon map. Baixa stretches from the banks of the Tagus to Liberty Avenue (Avenida da Liberdade) and is positioned between the two hills of Alfama and Chiado. Baixa has an impressive amount of restaurants, shops and bars to meet the needs and desires of everyone - this is the best place for us to stay in Lisbon.
Baixa is the most central district in lisbon map. Baixa was rebuilt according to principles of rationalism and standardization dear to the Marquis de Pombal who directed the reconstruction of the city of lisbon. Its checkered street plan makes it easy to spot on a map of the city. In baixa you will find shops. It is the area best served by public transport in lisbon.
The history of Baixa has not always been so illustrious, as on the 1st November 1755, one of the world most powerful earthquakes devasted the district of Lisbon and killed thousands. The rebuilding of Lisbon was charged to the Marquis of Pombal, who disregarded the original city layout of narrow streets, and created the first city map plan that followed a grid pattern. The entirety of Baixa were reconstructed in a neoclassical style (referred to Pombaline architecture of baixa) and most importantly, incorporated the earliest examples of earthquake-resistant architecture.