
Lisbon topographic map

Map of lisbon topographic . Lisbon topographic map (Portugal) to print. Lisbon topographic map (Portugal) to download. Lisbon in this topographic map is a city of irregular topography, dominated by hills and valleys of variable dimension. Given this irregular topography, Lisbon is known as the city of the seven hills. The capital occupies an area of 100.1 km2. In 2013, lisbon resident population was up to 520,549 people.

Map of lisbon topographic

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Lisbon as its shown in lisbon topographic map is located on the north bank of the Tagus River, the longest river on the Iberian Peninsula of lisbon, about eight miles (13km) from where the river enters the Atlantic Ocean. Built up the slopes of a range of low rolling hills, lisbon topography occupies an area of 84.8 km² (33 sq mi).