Lisbon parking map
Map of lisbon parking . Lisbon parking map (Portugal) to print. Lisbon parking map (Portugal) to download. If you decide to drive in central Lisbon, you will have to worry not only with traffic but also with available parking space. The most economical solution is to anticipate your visit to Lisbon and reserve your parking space in advance (you can find a lot of parking in lisbon parking map). You have the Parclick site for example, which is well done and cheap. It is a platform for booking parking spaces, offering you nearly 15 car parks throughout lisbon.
There are parking meters throughout central Lisbon (as you can see in the lisbon parking map), operated by the municipal company Emel. The rates for the meters are based on zone pricing, with a maximum allowable parking time limit. Parking is charged in 15-minute slots. There are a series of city- and private-owned public parking garages in Lisbon (Emel, Bragaparques, Empark, etc.) open 24/7. Lisbon residents can get parking permits for their neighbourhood.