
Lisbon street map

Street map of lisbon city. Lisbon street map (Portugal) to print. Lisbon street map (Portugal) to download. Rua da Bica de Duarte Belo, which is definitely one of the highlights of lisbon street map. It is one of the most photographed Lisbon streets and you can certainly find it in tourist guides. Located in the little Bica neighborhood of lisbon, you have a splendid view over the Tejo river from this street and can also get on its iconic funicular that is been running since 1892.

Street map of lisbon city

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Rua Nova do Carvalho, which is most commonly known as the Rua Cor-de-Rosa or the Pink Street, is one of the most popular streets in lisbon street map. It is definitely one of the major highlights of the city when it comes to Lisbon nightlife. When people want to enjoy a drink with friends, both locals and visitors rush to the Rua Nova do Carvalho. This lisbon street was known for being a crossroad for local criminals, prostitutes, but now these are only themes of conversations.
The Rua do Vale is another typical little street of lisbon street map. Away from the touristy places, it is one of hidden gems you will love to photograph so you can remember Lisbon little corners when back at home. From this lisbon street, you can see the façade of the Church of Mercês at the top. While you are there, you can also visit the Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar which is dedicated to a twentieth century Portuguese artist Júlio Pomar. If you love art and are curious, it is a great thing to do while at Rua do Vale.