
Carris bus map

Lisbon bus lines map. Carris bus map (Portugal) to print. Carris bus map (Portugal) to download. Lisbon carris bus provides service buses between the airport and downtown (number 744) as well as some destinations within lisbon map. Carris bus stops are located throughout the city and they usually have timetables posted. In Lisbon, it is normal practice to wave down the carris bus as it approaches to ensure that it stops for you.
For Carris buses of lisbon, you can pay your fare using the Viva Viagem card or cash as you board the bus. Most lisbon buses run until 11:00 p.m. and there are night buses that run along certain routes (as its shown in carris bus map) as well, so it is best to do a bit of research if you are planning to use the carris bus as your main source of transportation in Lisbon.