
Lisbon bus map

Lisboa bus map. Lisbon bus map (Portugal) to print. Lisbon bus map (Portugal) to download. In Lisbon, there are two types of night buses (as its shown in lisbon bus map): Rede da Madrugada (lines 201-210) and Night Bus (lines 1 and 2). The first are in service every day during the intervals when the day buses are stopped, while the second operate only at weekends and on the eve of lisbon public holidays. The latter are completely free of charge.
Lisbon buses are indispensable for some journeys in Lisbon. Lisbon bus is the only public transport to get to the airport as its shown in the map. Bus schedules are very complicated to explain as each bus has its own schedule. Most lines start their service around 06:00 in the morning and end around 21:00. The most important bus lines are in service until midnight.
The bus network of lisbon consists of 758 buses that run 88 routes, 11 of which are night routes. The most important routes during your stay in lisbon will be : Number 91 (aerobús): this is the fastest line to get to the airport. There are 10 bus stations in lisbon bus map between the Plaza del Comercio and the airport. Lines 5, 22, 44, 45 and 83: these lines also serve the airport from different points in Lisbon. These buses make more stops than the previous one. Lines 5, 25, 28, 44, 708, 750, 759, 782 and 794: All these lines lead to the Park of Nations and have stops at Oriente Station. It is a good option to visit the new area without having to use the metro. Lines 28, 714, 727, 729 and 751: this is an alternative to the tram to get to Belém. We prefer the tram.