
Lisbon funicular map

Funicular lisbon map. Lisbon funicular map (Portugal) to print. Lisbon funicular map (Portugal) to download. Funiculars climb lisbon steepest hills. Of course Funiculars also descend them, but you will want to catch the ride up since walking down is easy (provided you have strong knees). So, in what follows we describe the route up the hill, rather than down. Those are the most famous funiculars in lisbon funicular map: Ascensor da Bica, Ascensor da Glória, Ascensor do Lavra, Elevador de Santa Justa.
There are several funiculars shown in Lisbon map, including the Bica and Bairro Alto funiculars. The price per unit is very expensive (€3.60 for less than 2 minutes), a little cheaper with the Viva Viagem card. It is a means of transport in lisbon that I dont recommend, unless you have a problem with your legs and you cant walk well.