
Lisbon map

Lisbon on map. Lisbon map (Portugal) to print. Lisbon map (Portugal) to download. The city of Lisbon is divided into several clearly differentiated neighborhoods. To know Lisbon well, it is necessary to dedicate a little time to each one of them. Each of these five neighborhoods in Lisbon map has its own identity. Apart from traditional neighborhoods, there are two more modern areas in Lisbon.
Lisbon has the largest area of the country map. Geographically speaking, Lisbon is on the western coast of the country and is surrounded by water. Lisbon takes around three days to discover and is the ideal destination for a weekend city-break. Close to Lisbon is a coastline of beautiful sandy beaches and a holiday to Lisbon could also include a few days relaxing on these glorious beaches.
Lisbon city is the capital of Portugal map, and the centre of the Lisbon metropolitan area. Located in western Portugal on the estuary of the Tagus (Tejo) River, Lisbon is the westernmost capital city in continental Europe and serves as the country chief port, largest city, and commercial, political, and tourist centre.
The city name of Lisbon map is a modification of the ancient Olisipo (Ulyssipo), and Lisbon founding has been attributed to the legacy of Ulysses (Odysseus), the hero of Homer Odyssey; to Elisha, purported to have been a grandson of the Hebrew patriarch Abraham; and, more credibly, to Phoenician colonists. The population of Lisbon is about 547,000 inhabitants, of whom 1/4 live below the poverty line, 46% are men and 54% are women.
Lisbon is a port of call in antiquity, on the tin route of the Cassiterides Islands map, Lisbon became the capital of Portugal in 1255 at the end of the Reconquest. In the 15th century, it became the centre for the redistribution of spices in Europe and the starting point for great discoveries. Lisbon was then one of the largest cities in the world.