
Lisbon portugal map

Lisboa portugal map. Lisbon portugal map (Portugal) to print. Lisbon portugal map (Portugal) to download. The total area of Portugal is 92 345 km², lisbon as its capital, with a length of 561 km and a maximum width of 218 km, essentially a medium mountain country in lisbon portugal map. The physical aspect of lisbon is closely related to that of the Iberian plateau (Meseta) which covers the whole of the peninsula. lisbon is divided into two very distinct regions: North and South,
Lisbon is one of the most popular destinations in Portugal for a roadtrip by car. Just like at his Spanish neighbor, in lisbon we must expect a little more chaotic and full of temperament. It is however very advisable to be well informed about the traffic rules from the lisbon portugal map. In lisbon you also have the obligation to be in possession of a yellow safety vest.
Lisbon on portugal map lies on the north bank of the Tagus River estuary, about 8 miles (13 km) from the river entrance into the Atlantic Ocean. From the ocean upstream to the lisbon city, the river is almost straight and about 2 miles (3 km) wide. Lisbon is spanned, on the west side of the city, by the 25th of April Bridge. Just east of the bridge, the Tagus suddenly broadens into a bay 7 miles (11 km) wide called the Mar de Palha (“Sea of Straw”) because of the way that it shimmers in the sun. Scenically spectacular, this hill-cradled bay of burnished water lies on a strategic sea route and serves as a busy port, handling much of the trade between Portugal and Spain.
Lisbon (Portuguese Lisboa), is the capital of Portugal, and the centre of the Lisbon metropolitan area. Located in western Portugal map on the estuary of the Tagus (Tejo) River, lisbon is the westernmost capital city in continental Europe and serves as the country chief port, largest city, and commercial, political, and tourist centre.